Karma Darsanam—Vision of Action

Verse - 4

शक्तिरस्त्यात्मनः काचिद् दुर्घटा न प्रथक् स्वतः ।

तयैवारोप्यते कर्म निखिलं निष्क्रियात्मनि ॥ ४ ॥

Energy-power is in the Self as an intricate particular, not itself separate;

Then by action this superimposes, (but) the Self is completely without activity.

Sree Narayana Guru


In verse 57 of the Atmopadesasatakam Narayana Guru describes action, comparing it to endless waves in the ocean. In this verse he tells us that "the Self is completely without activity." This is to be taken in the fullest meaning of action, including mental action, which is a great obstacle to Self-Realization. Since the Self is without activity, it is the mind which is attached to action.

The emergy-power abiding in the Self does not affect the Self, like the image in a mirror does not affect the mirror. Energy-power superimposes itself through action in a variety of ways, but the Self is free from all action. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (III. 7. 1-23) speaks about the Self as the Inner Controller which is not touched by the relative world. In the Karma Agama we read, "The Supreme has become threefold." This is due to energy-power which is behind all action and which is threefold in the form of action, wisdom and will.

When energy-power is dissolved in the pure non-dual Absolute, action ceases and the mind is completely at peace. This is known as union with the Absolute where all duality vanishes. In verse ten of this chapter the sage says that the ego is a superimposition. Therefore we should understand energy-power for what it is, projecting all inner and outer action, ever present as an unseen relative actuality which has a very strong compelling force on the mind.

Sree Narayana Guru