Adhyaropa Darsanam—Vision of Superimposition

Verse - 3

प्रागुत्पत्तेरिदं स्वस्मिन् विलीनमथ वै स्वतः।

बीजादंकुरुवत् स्वस्य शक्तिरेवास्रजत्स्वयम् || ३ ||

Before rising up this (world) was absorbed in Himself; now truly by Himself

Like a sprout from a seed, by His own energy-power, so emanated (this) by Himself

Sree Narayana Guru


Just as the magician has all the marvellous tricks in his mind before performing them, so the world is absorbed in the Absolute. This moving, transitory world is emanated forth like a sprout from a seed, which quite unexpectedly suddenly bursts through the earth. It was there before but hidden from view being absorbed in the earth.

The energy-power of the Absolute is what causes emanation. The same is said in the Kamakalavilasa Tantra, "Supreme Sakti is in the form of a sprout, expanded out from the union of Siva and Sakti." This is the well known Tantric philosophical formula of "two yet one", which is also found in the Brihadaranyaka and other Upanishads.

The sage says, "this (world) was absorbed in Himself." In the Ganesottaratapini Upanishad (I) we read, "Indeed all this (world) is Ganesa, who is the self, which is the Absolute."

In the next verse the sage describes the energy-power of the Absolute.

Sree Narayana Guru