Apavada Darsanam—Vision of Refutation

Verse - 1

चैतन्यादागतं स्थूलसूक्ष्मात्मकमिदं जगत् |

अस्ति चेत्सद्घनं सर्वं नास्ति चेदस्ति चिद्घनम् || १ ||

From vital consciousness has come the nature of the gross and subtle moving world;

If this is so, the totality is a composite of existence; if this is not so, it is a composite of consciousness.

Sree Narayana Guru


The Siva Sutra declares, "Vital consciousness is the Self." The subtle and gross moving world, in truth, emanates from the Self, here called vital consciousness. If the moving world is real then its source is in vital consciousness, as Samkshepasariraka affirms. "The pure energy-power of consciousness of the Supreme God is called vital consciousness."

When consciousness is alone, without a second, then the moving world does not blaze forth. The totality or the reality is pure consciousness. The Annapurna Upanishad (1.42) makes this statement, "When your thought departs from the movements of the cyclic phenomenal world you are free from spiritual decay."

Sree Narayana Guru